Tuesday 4 September 2018

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Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
Three Limb Intense Stretch

Desk jobs damage our health, when we sit for long hours behind our computers,
hunching over our laptops we put a lot of pressure on our spine and mostly our abdominal muscles.
Our abdominal muscles protect our internal organs and provide support for our spine.
This pose is one of the intermediate yoga poses.
It is a great pose to practice after a long trip or a challenging day in the office because of its many benefits.

-Regulates the digestive system.
-Makes the spine more flexible
--Stimulates and tones the abdominal organs.
-Helps to reduce constipation and flatulance.
-Improves the flexibility of the hamstrings, knee joints and hips.
-Helps to reduce swelling in the legs.
-Assists with symptoms of high blood pressure, sinusitis, and infertility.
-Enhances liver, kidney and colon function.