Wednesday, 30 December 2015

I Choose Life - I Choose Love
Every day is a Miracle if we choose it. It's totally up to us - our perspective, our insight, our way of seeing life. Every challenge and confrontation is a perfect time to Grow. My vision is a radical & celebratory collaboration. and that lies within each of us.
Happy New Year heart emoticon
May we wellcome it all.
Wishing you a happy transition into the New Year!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Follow me on ELLE.Belgie!
#inspirationforchange #youbeyou #bereal #cmovement #mounirabazzi #livingyoga #yogaeditorelle
Savasana  -Corpse Pose
Have you ever had moments during the Christmas period when you were stressed?
Maybe even over stressed?
i  think i can safely say im speaking for all of us!
Rushing to buy the perfect outfit ,to buy the right presents,to cook a great meal,to visit
all your loved ones .. and the list goes on and on.
Rushing till the last minute.
I chose this pose because i think its perfect to deal with stressfull moments in our lives.
You can do this below pose anytime and anywhere.
I would recommend for at least 5-10 minutes.
Sit with your legs extended and your hands by your sides.
Support yourself with your arms as you recline onto the floor.   As you lean back keep your spine straight.
As you lie back relax your legs ,allowing the toes to roll out.
Allow your arms to move away from your sides,palms of your hands facing upwards.
Soften completely .Grab a blanket and stay in the pose for upto 10 minutes.
This pose calms the mind,reduces stress ,anxiety and insomnia.
It also reduces fatigue and rejuvenates the body.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Virabhadrasana II :Warrior II

Physical Benefits
Stimulates digestion and circulation
Lengthens the spine,Stretches the hips and shoulders
Strengthens the thighs,knees and ankles,Increases lung capacity
Mental Benefts
Develops willpower,Builds focus,Stimulates the mind

Warrior poses invoke the courage within us  to meet Life exactly as it presents itself to us.
They allow us to be grounded in the center of our true Being.
1-Stand in Tadasana 
2-Step your feet wide apart.
As you inhale extend your arms out to the side away from your midline
3-Turn your left foot in slightly as you point your right foot straight ahead.
Allign your right heel with the arch of your left foot.
4-Keeping your legs engaged ,exhale as you bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle.
Making sure your knee is stacked right over the ankle not beyond it.
Keep your torso vertical.
5-Hold for several breaths.
And repeat on the other side.


Thursday, 19 November 2015

Wall Straddle heart emoticon (Wall Yin)
Have you ever have one of those days where you didn't want to do anything ? You know you should practice some yoga, but your get up and go has got up and went? Where can you go for that support ? Well, your support may be as close as any wall! Put on some soothing music(,no need for shiny gold pants like mine) clear a space by your longest wall, grab a watch (preferably with a timer) and a cushion or blanket, and settle in.
You will need a bit of space for this one.. Start with your legs straight up the wall (or your variation of that) and then simply let gravity draw the legs apart, your feet sliding down the wall. Reach that position where the sensations are just right. When you want a little more, you can try resting your hands on your inner thighs. No need to pull though: allow your muscles to relax. Stay here for 3~5 or (10) minutes. When you are ready to come out, use your hands to push your legs together.
This pose relives fatigue in the legs and feet.
Soothes the nervous system,calms the mind,relieves back pain,headache,symptoms of arthritis,increases circulation and much more.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Cat Marjaryasana-Cow Bitilasana follow me on<3
There is a maturity and wisdom that comes with the changing of seasons.
As the days get shorter and darker it starts to be a real challenge to get out of bed in the mornings!
Let alone practice some yoga.
This is perfect for anytime in your day and any where..even in your office during your 
lunch break.
Come on all fours with your wrists underneath your shoulders and knees underneath your hips.
Spread your fingers and root down through your hands.
Keep your arms straight.
Lift the sides of your waistline.
Inhale drop your navel and draw your heart forward.
Creating a concavity in your spine as you tilt your pelvis upward and lift your head.
Exhale as you round your spine up towards the ceiling.
Reversing the curve.
4Repeat steps 2  and 3 for 5 to 10 breaths.

Physical Benefits:
Increases spinal flexibility ,Aids digestion ,Increases circulation.
Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome,tendonitis,and lower back injury

Mental Benefits:
Relieves mild depression and anxiety,Energizes the mind

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

My heart is gratefull.
One life to learn and grow.
One World to travel and see.
One Love to represent.
One teaching that has changed me.
Furnished with my full capacity.

Carrying the frequency of Courage.

Monday, 12 October 2015

I choose to grow in midst of any circumstance.
Facing my fears rather than run.


#inspirationforchange #courage #truth #officialElle.beyogaeditor #aimyourarrow
#shinefully #yogalove

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Boat/ Paripurna Navasana


(Heips in developing Mental Concentration)

The practice of Yoga helps us find support by resting in our own Center in our own Being.
Knowing that there is an inner Stillness within is a huge sense of Freedom for yogis and non yogis alike.
The boat pose reminds me of Navigation.
An inner Compass.
Where do i want to go ?
Am i navigating through life with awarness or burying my head in the sand?
Follow me on for your monthly Yoga tip!
Mental Benefits:
Improves concentration,Develops focus

Physical Benefits:
Improves posture
Lengthens the spine and neck
Improves balance,digestion and circulation
Builds core strength
Strengthens the legs,hips,arms and abdomen
Opens the chest,shoulders and throat

Pregnancy (keep knees bent)
Neck or low back pain(keep knees bent)
low blood pressure

1.Sit in Dandasana Staf Pose.

2.Bend your knees and place your hands on your upper shins,
inhale and lengthen from the core of the pelvis up through the crown of
your head.

3.Maintain all the actions from Step 2.
Lean your torso back and balance on your buttocks
between your sitting bones and your tailbone.

4.Exhale and bring your legs out straight at an upward angle
while simultaneously stretching your arms forward.
Draw from the fingers up into your shoulders and bring the shoulder blades
even more onto your back.
Dont forget to flex your feet ,spreading your toes.
5.Hold for 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you can without losing the form of the pose, then release.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

I know that waking up from a hangover can rank up there with having a tooth ache
or a stomach flu!
It can seriously be un-pleasant.
In addition to rehydrating with water and maybe some fresh juices,engaging in some yoga
poses can hasten your recovery.
Releasing toxins,improving circulation and aiding in digestion.
i would recommend the following pose for its many benefits.
Follow me on for your monthly Yoga tip !

Viparita Karani : Reverse Process

Physical Benefits
Increases circulation
Soothes the nervous system
Relieves fatigue in legs and feet
Relieves mild headache,backache and insomnia
Massages the kidneys,diaphragm and adrenal glands
Reverses the position of the internal organs ,regulating their function
Brings prana (life force energy) to the entire body


Contraindicated for those with wrist,shoulder or neck pain.
For those with low back injury.
Contraindicated for those with high blood pressure,hiatal hernia and heart disease.

1-Sit on a bolster or a few folded blankets with your left hip against the wall.
Keeping both knees bent.
2-Reach your hands behind your body and lean your torso backward.
3.Finding a way to swivel your hips and bring your feet up the wall.
Keep your buttocks close to the wall and lie down on your back.
rest with your arms out to the side,palms facing upward.
Close your eyes and relax in the pose.
Breathing softly and evenly.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

'The quest for Love changes us,
There is no seeker among those who search for Love,
who has not matured on the way .
The moment you start looking for Love ;;you start to change within and without.'

The Forty Rules of Love

Saturday, 29 August 2015

On the very rare days that i am not in my sweat pants i ,for one ,love to wear heels.
As im sure a lot of women would agree i tend to suffer from the after effects.
The following pose is one i often teach in all my classes and one i practice at home .
It is rather intense at first but practiced with consistency  can relieve a lot of tension
from the soles of the feet,the ankles and the toes.

Toe Squat Pose 

1-come on to your hands and knees and tuck your toes under,
then sit back on your heels bringing your body upright. 
This pose is strong on the soles of the feet as it stretches them,
it is also strong on the toes and the ankles.
It stimulates the meridians at the soles of the feet and the whole lower body.

Stay for two or three breath then release.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Monday, 10 August 2015

Tadasana  :Mountain Pose


Physical Benefits
Improves posture
Aligns the spine
Tones the abdominal muscles and buttocks
Opens the chest
Strengthens the ankles,knees, and thighs

Mental Benefits
Reduces mild anxiety
Develops willpower
Improves focus

For the days i might be feeling hurried ,stressed or over whelmed
with my 'to do' list .
I simply come to the top of my mat and stand for a few minutes in
Tadasana also known as mountain pose.This allows me to re-connect
with myself and feel that sense of rootedness to the Earth that we so easily 
loose sight of in our busy lives.

1- Come to the top of your mat.
Stand with your feel parallel.
Imagine an imaginary line being drawn from the second toe of each foot
all the way up to your ankles.
Make those lines parallel to eachother.
This foundation will allow you to root down through the four corners at the 
soles of your feet.

2.Inhale and take the tops of your thighs back so that your hips stick out in the back.
Exhale and balance that backward action of your thighs by lengthening from your tailbone 
downward towards your feet.

3.Stay in the pose for several full breaths and notice how you feel,then release.

Below are a few variations you can also try using steps 1 to 3.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

                    Our Flashmob in De Standaard<3
                   Celebrating International Yoga Day!
Chronic conditions like pain,depression,anxiety,tinnitus
are often not present upon awakening.
This freedom from chronic pain may last for a few seconds
before the community of cells 'contract' as they re-enter
their stories,their dramas.
When do i become as free as the Ocean?
When do i break 'this' identification?
When i no longer expend my energy defending,upholding
and protecting the image of myself.

#inspirationforchange #freedom #liberation #self

Monday, 15 June 2015

You are not meant to be Perfect..
You are meant to be Complete..
But its kind off hard to feel Complete if you are
trying to be Perfect..

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

As i stand at the top of my mat ..i take up 'what is' in loving
I realize that in releasing the 'doing' i receive the Infinite.

Photo courtesy of the lovely Greetje Van Bouggenhout

Thursday, 28 May 2015

'Gravity delivers us the moment we stop fighting it ..
When we receive it as a gift.'

Photo courtesy of the wonderfull Vincent Van Reusel

Friday, 1 May 2015

'Awakening Intelligence'
Then i took a deep breath and the wise heart reminded me
i am who i am .
My journey is unique and so is yours.
All maps lead somewhere.
Which ones we follow truly do matter..they shape who we
Two or three years from now which body/mind state will
be your reality ?
This weekend we will explore how it feels to move in a relaxed,
curious way without efforting or grasping.
Saturday morning's class will be at 11h-12h
In BasicFit Berchem
Sunday morning at 11h30-12h30 in BasicFit Mechelsesteenweg
Namaste heart emoticon
‪#‎inspirationforchange #everyhourisgrace #movementyoga

Sunday, 26 April 2015

No matter where you think you are
I challenge you to fearlessly follow your passion.
The longer i travel along a route without any awarness
of the choices i must make ..the harder it is to Self-correct,
Yoga Day Sunday heart emoticon
9h30-10h30 ill be teaching in Living Yoga
11h ill be teaching in Yoga Zuid
Namaste heart emoticon

Monday, 20 April 2015

Ring the bells that still can ring ..
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything..
And that is how the Light gets in.

Leonard Cohen

Friday, 17 April 2015

What does it mean to hold space for someone?
It means we are willing to walk alongside another person
in whatever journey they are on without judging them or
making them feel inadequate.
When we hold space we open our hearts.
Holding Space this weekend heart emoticon
Saturday morning class will be at 11h-12h
in Basic Fit berchem
Sunday morning at 11h30-12h30 in BF Mechelsesteenweg

In Gratitude 
June 2014 in Paros,Greece 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


When we open ourselves to receive the unbounded spaciousness
within each breath, we start to receive what truly sustains us.
We invent and discover never ending Space.


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Improves balance
Opens the chest,shoulders and throat
Stretches the wrist and ankle joints
Stretches the arm,leg and back muscles
Increases flexibility
Relieves fatigue

Mental benefits:
Develops focus

High blood pressure
Wrist,elbow or shoulder injury

Drishti :upward
Namaste  <3
Any comments or questions ?Would love to hear from you!
#inspirationforchange #womanofwill #everyhourisgrace #yoga

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Dream your dreams with your eyes closed
but live your dreams with your eyes wide open.
Anusara yoga monday evening at 19h-20h
Please confirm to ''
Namaste heart emoticon

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Sometimes i can soar with my thoughts,
with my practice ,my body,my influence and my contributions.
And sometimes i,just like everyone else just want to hide my face
behind my hands.
Yoga teaches us a lot about love and self-acceptance.
Yoga has no judgement.
Yoga has no disability.
Yoga has no labels.
Yoga has no gender.
Yoga has no preference.

Namaste <3
#inspirationforchange #everyhourisgrace #womanofwill #livingyoga
Photo courtesy of Greetje Van Buggenhout
People will allways say your going the wrong way
when its simply a way of your own.
Your wings allready exist.
All you have to do is fly .. heart emoticon (Without anyone's permission)
Please look out for the newer 'revamped' version of my
current blog coming up in a few weeks at '' and a new website.
I have finally created a pool of Yoga information that is accessible to all.
Expect some amazing projects and collaborations coming your way very soon!!!
Tuesday's Pose heart emoticon Navasana (Boat)
Improves posture
Opens the throat,chest and shoulders
Lengthens the spine and neck
Strengthens the groin,abdomen,hips and legs
Improves digestion and balance
Mental Benefits:
Improves concentration
Develops focus
Drishti :Forward at big toes.
Any questions ?dont hesitate to get in touch!
Namaste heart emoticon
‪#‎inspirationforchange‬ ‪#‎womanofwill‬ ‪#‎everyhourisgrace‬ ‪#‎livingyoga‬
Photo courtesy of Vincent Van Reusel

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Practice every day .
On and (especially) off your mat.
Be utterly and fully true to yourself.
Ill be teaching on saturday at 11h-12h
In Basic Fit Berchem
Namaste heart emoticon
Pose of the week heart emoticon Halasana Plow pose
Calms the mind
Reduces stress and anxiety
Relieves backache,stretches the shoulders
Strengthens the spine;
Helped me personally in alleviating my insomnia

Saturday, 14 March 2015

All that glitters is Gold heart emoticon
Beautifull yogis,Beautifull space

#inspiration for change
Photo courtesy of Greetje Van Bouggenhout

Friday, 6 March 2015

Very excited to be to be part of The Antwerp Urban Trial coming up next weekend!!
In collaboration with
Saturday the 14-3 at 10h30-11h30!
In the Paleis op de Meir
For those of you that love Yoga and Culture ive kept my promise heart emoticon
Please note places are limited.
Registrations are only done through mail to ''

Sunday, 11 January 2015

'You cant help getting older,
but you dont have to get old .'
George Burns

Namaste <3