Physical Benefits
Improves posture
Aligns the spine
Tones the abdominal muscles and buttocks
Opens the chest
Strengthens the ankles,knees, and thighs
Mental Benefits
Reduces mild anxiety
Develops willpower
Improves focus
For the days i might be feeling hurried ,stressed or over whelmed
with my 'to do' list .
I simply come to the top of my mat and stand for a few minutes in
Tadasana also known as mountain pose.This allows me to re-connect
with myself and feel that sense of rootedness to the Earth that we so easily
loose sight of in our busy lives.
1- Come to the top of your mat.
Stand with your feel parallel.
Imagine an imaginary line being drawn from the second toe of each foot
all the way up to your ankles.
Make those lines parallel to eachother.
This foundation will allow you to root down through the four corners at the
soles of your feet.
2.Inhale and take the tops of your thighs back so that your hips stick out in the back.
Exhale and balance that backward action of your thighs by lengthening from your tailbone
downward towards your feet.
3.Stay in the pose for several full breaths and notice how you feel,then release.
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