Saturday, 3 October 2015

Boat/ Paripurna Navasana


(Heips in developing Mental Concentration)

The practice of Yoga helps us find support by resting in our own Center in our own Being.
Knowing that there is an inner Stillness within is a huge sense of Freedom for yogis and non yogis alike.
The boat pose reminds me of Navigation.
An inner Compass.
Where do i want to go ?
Am i navigating through life with awarness or burying my head in the sand?
Follow me on for your monthly Yoga tip!
Mental Benefits:
Improves concentration,Develops focus

Physical Benefits:
Improves posture
Lengthens the spine and neck
Improves balance,digestion and circulation
Builds core strength
Strengthens the legs,hips,arms and abdomen
Opens the chest,shoulders and throat

Pregnancy (keep knees bent)
Neck or low back pain(keep knees bent)
low blood pressure

1.Sit in Dandasana Staf Pose.

2.Bend your knees and place your hands on your upper shins,
inhale and lengthen from the core of the pelvis up through the crown of
your head.

3.Maintain all the actions from Step 2.
Lean your torso back and balance on your buttocks
between your sitting bones and your tailbone.

4.Exhale and bring your legs out straight at an upward angle
while simultaneously stretching your arms forward.
Draw from the fingers up into your shoulders and bring the shoulder blades
even more onto your back.
Dont forget to flex your feet ,spreading your toes.
5.Hold for 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you can without losing the form of the pose, then release.

1 comment:

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