Saturday, 24 December 2016

Hanumanasana -monkey god
Hanumanasana  is all about great acts and fearlessness.The pose is named after an Indian deity
called Hanuman who showed his loyalty and devotion towards the King Rama of ancient India by helping him to find his wife Sita.
Hanuman made a few giant leaps across the lands to show the king his love and loyalty.
This pose symbolizes the power of devotion and leaps of faith,which is exactly what we need to accomplish it .
We should not just stretch our legs but also bring devotion into our practice.
Hanumanasana teaches us to overcome obstacles and do what seems almost impossible.

Kneel on the floor.Take a big step forward with your left leg and curl the toes of the back foot under.
Place your fingertips on the floor.
Straighten your left leg and draw muscularly from your back foot into your pelvis to square the hips.
Maintain the engagement of the foot and calf muscles by spreading your toes and spreading through the ball of the big toe.Walk your hands closer to your hips .
Keep the muscles of both legs engaged and lower your pelvis to the floor.
Lengthen from the core of the pelvis up through the top of your head.
Physical benefits:strengthens and tones thighs and hamstrings,opens the hips,groins and psoas muscles,improves circulation, prevents varicose viens, stimulates digestive,lymphatic and reproductive systems,stimulates abdominal organs
improves balance..etc
Mental benefits:calms the mind,reduces stress,mild depression and anxiety.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Seated Forward Bend/Paschimottanasana
Paschimottanasana,the seated forward bend, is the fifth of the 12 basic postures of hatha yoga.
There are many benefits to this posture, the main one is to provide a complete stretch of the entire back side of the body from the back of the head through the heels.
1-Sit with your legs extended.
Inhale and press your hands down into the floor to lengthen your spine.
Draw your low back inward and outward.
2-Inhale ,bring your arms up and over your head.
3-Exhale as you extend from your belly up through the top of your head.
Slide your hands to the outside of your feet.
Widen your elbows out and draw your torso forward toward your feet.
Keep your legs actively engaged.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Kneeling Pose Bhujrasana
Kneeling is either very easy or completely impossible.
If you are flexible and dont have any knee issues, there is nothing to it can sit back on your heels anytime.
If you are tighter or have mild knee or ankle problems ,kneeling is literally impossible, because it hurts too much.
Almost allways,pain in the knees is a sign that something is going wrong , and must be avoided.
However , correctly kneeling is one of the best things you can to help bad knees and ankles, you just have to know what you are doing.
Kneel on the floor.
Bring your legs and feet close together.
Keep your lower legs engaged by pressing the tops of your toes into the floor.
Reest your hands on your thighs.
Lengthen through the sides of your body and bring your shoulder blades onto your back to open your chest.
Draw your lower back in and extend up through your spine.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Ustrasana/Camel Pose
Camel Pose and backbends like it can be physically challenging and benefitial.
Emotionally they can create a sense of vulnerability we usually shy away from.
Ustrasana, is just like a Camel journeying through the Sahara- it requires stamina, endurance and a commitment to inner awarness.
While the pose is a journey, when you do arrive to your unique location after crossing the Sahara,
it is  totally worth it emotionally , mentally and physically .

Kneel on the floor with your thighs parallel and rest your palms on your hips.
Point your feet back and press toenails into floor.
Inhale and take your thighs backwards.
On the next exhalation, scoop your tailbone to lengthen your lower back.
 Inhale and extend from your pelvis through your head.
Exhale and reach back to place your right hand on your right heel,.Repeat with yourleft hand.
Rooting the tailbone down,bring your pelvis forward
Keep your neck elongated.
Slide your hands down the soles of your feet.
Remain in this position for a few breaths
Exhale, powerfuly root down through your shins into the floor,
and lift from behind your heart.
Keep your head back as you come up.
Rest by sitting on your heals.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Simhasana  Lion Pose
'Whenever i feel blue ..i start Breathing again.'

We use our voices to communicate.
We can whisper, speak, sing or scream and shade our expressions with many nuances.
When we are nervous, scared, happy or sad, others hear it in our voice.
Our voices reflect not only our state of mind but the state of our nervous system.
Whenever i feel uncomfortable tension in my throat i practice Simhasana.
It frees my voice as it releases constrictions from the throat area.
And my entire body reminding me that the tension in my voice is a manifestation of deep seated emotions.
By cultivating  the essence of a leaping roaring lion i give shape to unexpressed emotions and release them.
Try Simhasana  when you are feeling anxious or angry ..or when you havent expressed yourself the way you wanted.
Youll find yourself happier, more grounded and even lighter both  emotionally and physically.
Kneel on the floor.
Point your toes and sit back on your heels.
Keep your face ,jaw and eyes relaxed.Rest your hands on your thighs
Lean your torso forward and place your fingertips on the floor.
Bring your gaze to the point between the eyebrows.Open your mouth wide and stretch your tongue out as far as possible 
Inhale deeply.On your next exhalation let out an audible and long sigh.
Stretch your arms out straight and stiffen your fingers.
Repeat for 3 times than relax.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Thank YELPAntwerpen for the mention and this picture.
In some Yogic circles it is traditional to perform 108 sun salutations upon
the changing of seasons.
First day of summer,winter solstice, and autumnal equinoxes.
Done in large groups and often as an "offering".
An offering of Peace or Unity.
We use the performing of the sun salutations to recharge our Soul.
There are so many beautifull meanings to the 108 symbol..
From the 108 Upanishads comprimising Indiam Philosophy to
*108 being the number of names for Shiva.
*108 being the number of names for Buddha.
*108 being the number of beads in a Catholic rosary to a Tibetan mala..
*Stages of the Soul -Atman goes through 108 stages on the Journey.
*Desires-It is said there are 108 earthly desires in mortals.
*Lies-It is said that there are 108 lies that humans tell.
*Delusion-It is said that there 108 human delusions or forms of ignorance.
*Time-Some say there are 108 feelings with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the future and 36 related to the present.
*Sanskrit Alphabet-has 54 letters each has a masculine and feminine aspect.54x2=108.
*Dance:There 108 forms of dance in Indian traditions..and so forth.

Namaste <3

Monday, 20 June 2016

Bhujangasana /Cobra Posture
I rise up from the center of my Being to meet life with an open Heart..'

Stressed out ?Sick of that tight, achy back? Then this pose is one you should give a try!
it is significantly usefull at relieving discomfort in the muscles of the back,
neck and abdomen.Furthermore, a little time spent in cobra pose can go a long way in alleviating stress, anxiety and depression.
In Sanskrit "Bhujanga" means serpent or snake and "asana" means "pose" hence the english term , "cobra pose".
This invigorating backbend was named such because Bhujangasana  reflects the posture of a cobra that has its hood raised.

Lie on your belly. Bring your forehead to the floor.Bend your elbows, place your palms near the lower ribs, and keep your lower arms perpendicular to the floor.
Exhale, press down with your hands, lengthen through the side body, and lift the head of your arm bones up and away from the floor.
Draw your shoulder blades onto your back.
Press all ten toenails down and draw muscularly from your feet up into the core of  your pelvis.
Anchor your tailbone down.
On your next inhale, press your hands down and lengthen from the waistline up into the armpits.
Lift your torso up and pin the heads of your arm bones back.
From the core of your pelvis extend up the spine through the crown of the head.
Press your knuckles down.Hold for a few breaths.
Exhale , release, and rest on your belly.
Namaste !

Monday, 30 May 2016

My latest on Natural High Magazine!
Baby Cradle

Yoga is a vast discipline  and its benefits are extraordinary.
The benefits of yoga range from pain relief, blood pressure reduction, relaxation,improved flexibilty ,inner peace, increased body awarness and much more!
The Baby Cradle Pose specifically targets your hips, relaxing them and improving their range of motion.
While this is not a traditional yoga pose over time you will notice an increased motion in your hips..this increased range of motion 
can help you advance in your yoga practice.
Namaste šŸ’˜

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Vasisthasana/Sage Posture
Vasishtha is one of the most important Vedic Seers, author of several mantras of the Rig Veda the oldest book of Humanity.
The full version of Vasisthasana is beyond the capacity of most beginners.
This is the modified version suitable for all levels.
A powerfull arm balance, challenges your ability to stay calm and focused..
its name comes from the sanskrit word Vasistha which means 'most excellent', or 'best'.
The word implies the spiritual contentment that those on the Yogic path can attain.
Many great Yoga sages have been named 'Vasistha'.
Amongst its many benefits the pose lengthens the spine, stretches the wrists, strengthens the legs, arms, shoulders and wrists,builds core strength and improves balance.
Start in downward facing dog.
Bring your right hand towards the left edge of your mat,
along the midline of your body creating a right angle with your torso.
Balance on the outer edge of your right foot.
Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the floor in front of your right leg.
Bringing your left  hand to your hip.
Turn to look up as you extend your left arm toward the sky.
Gazing towards the fingers of your hand.
Exhale as you bring your arm down and transition into Downward facing Dog.
Repeat on the other side.
Sponsored by Under Armour.
#mounirabazzi #livingyoga #yogainspiration #advanceyourpractice #elle #underarmour #yogaland
#authentictribe #naturalhigh #yogarebel #vasistha #sideplank

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Uttanasana/Standing Forward Fold
I rest completely into the support of the Earth.
Forward folds are poses that direct our awarness from the outside world towards the inner world.
Forward Folds are introspective, introverted by nature ..drawing us 'inside'.
Once we go 'inwards' we can tap into the grandeur of our Being.
It takes patience, time and a slowing down.

Stand  at the top of your mat with your feet parallel.
Spread your toes.Root down through all four corners of your feet.
Press your thigh bones back into your hamstrings making space 
between your belly and thighs.
Inhale as you stretch your arms up and extend from your belly up through your finger tips.
Exhale bend forward, and touch the floor .Bending your knees if necessary.
Keeping the space between the belly and thighs, hold your big toes.
Keep your leg muscles  firmly engaged .
Keep your hip joints directly above your ankles.
Use the strength of your inner thighs to widen your sit bones.
Inhale ,draw the sides of your waistline up and root your tailbone down.
Exhale and fold your torso deeply forward .
Hold for several breaths.
Bring your hands to the back of your calves.
Press your hands into your calves while moving your thighs back against this resistance.
Draw from your hands up into your shoulders to bring the shoulder blades more onto the back.
Hold for a few breaths then release.
Forward folds among their many  benefits :
Strengthen the feet , knees and thighs.They stretch the hamstrings and calves, improve the function of the digestive system,stimulate the liver, kidneys .
Relieve headaches,insomnia,fatigue and sinusitis.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

The World is constantly whispering to me that more is better.
I am so gratefull with where my journey is taking me.
I can synchronously learn and teach .
I get offers and mails the whole time about joining this or
doing that.
I often wonder what purpose.
And the World keeps on whispering sometimes screaming .
more, more , more.
If you are not happy with Today ..why would you be happy with Tomorrow ?
I am happy.
I am fullfilled.
I like who i am.
That is enough for me ..

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

My latest on Natural High Magazine <3heart emoticon
Virabhadrasana I 
I face forward to meet Life exactly as it is with an open heart.
With courage and fortitude..sensing the power of the courageous Hero within.
Virabhadrasana is a standing pose that demands focus and determination to meet its challenges.
It asks you to do several actions at once that seem to pull you in opposite directions.
You must lift up while grounding down and press forward while reaching backward.
This pose helps you tap into your own inner power as you face your challenges.

‪#‎inspirationforchange‬ ‪#‎iwontcompromise‬ ‪#‎naturalhighmag‬ ‪#‎warrior1‬
‪#‎youbeyou‬ ‪#‎iwritemystory‬ ‪#‎yogalove‬ ‪#‎underarmour‬ ‪#‎elle‬ ‪#‎yogarebels‬‪#‎yogaland‬

Monday, 21 March 2016

Vriksasana on ELLE.Belgie <3
Vriksasana (Tree Pose) has been identified in Indian relics dating back to the seventh century.
In ancient times wandering holy men called Sadhus would meditate in this posture for long periods of time as a practice of self discipline.
Learning to balance for most of us has more to do with our mental state than our physical abilities.
If you are stressed or if your mind is scattered your body will most likely be unsteady.
Amongst its many benefits Tree pose makes us strong and enhances our willpower.
This pose lengthens the spine,improves balance, opens the shoulders,chest,thighs and hips and calms the mind.
#inspirationforchange #vriksasana #balance #yogalove #shinefully
#nofearsorlimitations #beyou #bereal #yogarebels #yogaland #naturalhigh
Sponsored by Under Armour!

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

There must be a method to turn Freedom on and Off.
But where do we go from here?
To waste a motion in a curve.
To glide down the city as if it was a cascade.
To chew the edges of your words.
To fall into the sound of water.
So that the ideas of thoughts would be framed into museums
and memorial sites.
Half pages torn out the shadows of birds in a mile of snow.
But where do we go from here?
The Mukha Museum Project ,March 27 2014
The Pink Spy Exhibition

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Tight hips affect everything from your ability to pick something off the floor to getting into a specific yoga pose. When our hips are tight they cause an overuse of the spine.
Opening the hips can improve our range of motion ,our circulation,decrease back pain and most importantly create an energetic release.
Yogic tradition holds the hips as a storage ground for negative emotions.
As the hips start to open there is greater freedom in the body and in our expressions creatively,physically,sexually and spiritually.
Stand at the top of your mat in mountain pose Tadasana with the inner edges of your feet touching.
Bring your arms parallel to the floor to help with balance.
With your feet close together ,heels lifted or flat ..exhale and squat down keeping your hips off the floor.
Widen your knees apart and lean forward between them .
Bringing hands into prayer. Stay there for a few breaths then release.
This pose is also helps relieve stress,mild depression and anxiety.
It is contraindicated for those with ankle and knee injury and those with high blood pressure.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

I believe in Pink.
I believe in Green.
I believe in Me.
I believe that Imperfect is Perfect.
I believe that laughing is the best medicine ever.
I believe in being strong when everything seems to go wrong.
I believe that Happy Girls are the Prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day..
I believe in Kindness,in Compassion and Empathy.
I believe in Love.
I believe In God.
I believe that sometimes you just have to close your eyes and Jump.
Jump High.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

The traditions of Valentines Day date back to ancient  Roman times.
Saint Valentine's Day is  the day of Fertility and Love.
It is a day to celebrate love and devotion with your partners,friends and family.
Just as you can practice  Heart opening in your thoughts and emotions,you can experience
opening the heart space in your physical body too!
The opening of the heart can be experienced by everyone.
That is why i chose the this wonderfull yet gentle and supported backbendEmoji
1-Lie on your back.
2-Bend your knees and place your feet parallel to eachother ,hip width apart.
3-Inhale press your feet into the floor and lift your hips.
Lengthen your tailbone and extend from your pelvis through your knees.
Clasp your hands together under your back and roll both right and left shoulders
underneath one at a time.Hold for a few breath and release.
4-(Variation) inhale as you Press your feet into the floor ,lift your hips higher..shift your body weight
slightly as you bring both hands to cradle your back  ribs.
Hold for a few breaths then release.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Surya Namaskar A
Sunlight Prayer.
New to Yoga?
Make Yoga part of your New Year's Resolutions heart emoticon
Follow me on ELLE BelgiĆ« !
A fresh start isnt allways reserved for the New Year or every month as
the moon shifts from one cycle to the next..a fresh start can take place every day,every breath.
The practice of Yoga is a tremendous teacher of Patience.
It teaches us the value of Process.
Shanti Shanti Shanti Peace Peace Peace
‪#‎inspirationforchange‬ ‪#‎elle‬ ‪#‎mounirabazzi‬ ‪#‎balance‬/equilibrium ‪#‎newyear‬‪#‎suryaA‬ ‪#‎beyou‬ ‪#‎2016resolutions‬ ‪#‎befierce‬ ‪#‎shineon‬ ‪#‎yogarebels‬‪#‎yogaland‬ ‪#‎bhakti‬ ‪#‎anusara‬ ‪#‎cmovement‬
Turning Mirrors into Windows
So much of what the Western World see as true Yoga is
beautifully achieved postures.
This is a mis-representation of Yoga's intentions,its many limbs
its many arms.
My Practice reveals my Imperfection's true depth.
Im very aware of my not as perfect as you want me to be.
Fierce Love.
An Infinite run..
Turning Mirrors into Windows.