Hanumanasana -monkey god
Hanumanasana is all about great acts and fearlessness.The pose is named after an Indian deity
called Hanuman who showed his loyalty and devotion towards the King Rama of ancient India by helping him to find his wife Sita.
Hanuman made a few giant leaps across the lands to show the king his love and loyalty.
This pose symbolizes the power of devotion and leaps of faith,which is exactly what we need to accomplish it .
We should not just stretch our legs but also bring devotion into our practice.
Hanumanasana teaches us to overcome obstacles and do what seems almost impossible.
Kneel on the floor.Take a big step forward with your left leg and curl the toes of the back foot under.
Place your fingertips on the floor.
Straighten your left leg and draw muscularly from your back foot into your pelvis to square the hips.
Maintain the engagement of the foot and calf muscles by spreading your toes and spreading through the ball of the big toe.Walk your hands closer to your hips .
Keep the muscles of both legs engaged and lower your pelvis to the floor.
Lengthen from the core of the pelvis up through the top of your head.
Physical benefits:strengthens and tones thighs and hamstrings,opens the hips,groins and psoas muscles,improves circulation, prevents varicose viens, stimulates digestive,lymphatic and reproductive systems,stimulates abdominal organs
improves balance..etc
Mental benefits:calms the mind,reduces stress,mild depression and anxiety.
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