Sunday, 22 May 2016

Vasisthasana/Sage Posture
Vasishtha is one of the most important Vedic Seers, author of several mantras of the Rig Veda the oldest book of Humanity.
The full version of Vasisthasana is beyond the capacity of most beginners.
This is the modified version suitable for all levels.
A powerfull arm balance, challenges your ability to stay calm and focused..
its name comes from the sanskrit word Vasistha which means 'most excellent', or 'best'.
The word implies the spiritual contentment that those on the Yogic path can attain.
Many great Yoga sages have been named 'Vasistha'.
Amongst its many benefits the pose lengthens the spine, stretches the wrists, strengthens the legs, arms, shoulders and wrists,builds core strength and improves balance.
Start in downward facing dog.
Bring your right hand towards the left edge of your mat,
along the midline of your body creating a right angle with your torso.
Balance on the outer edge of your right foot.
Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the floor in front of your right leg.
Bringing your left  hand to your hip.
Turn to look up as you extend your left arm toward the sky.
Gazing towards the fingers of your hand.
Exhale as you bring your arm down and transition into Downward facing Dog.
Repeat on the other side.
Sponsored by Under Armour.
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