Saturday, 21 November 2015

Virabhadrasana II :Warrior II

Physical Benefits
Stimulates digestion and circulation
Lengthens the spine,Stretches the hips and shoulders
Strengthens the thighs,knees and ankles,Increases lung capacity
Mental Benefts
Develops willpower,Builds focus,Stimulates the mind

Warrior poses invoke the courage within us  to meet Life exactly as it presents itself to us.
They allow us to be grounded in the center of our true Being.
1-Stand in Tadasana 
2-Step your feet wide apart.
As you inhale extend your arms out to the side away from your midline
3-Turn your left foot in slightly as you point your right foot straight ahead.
Allign your right heel with the arch of your left foot.
4-Keeping your legs engaged ,exhale as you bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle.
Making sure your knee is stacked right over the ankle not beyond it.
Keep your torso vertical.
5-Hold for several breaths.
And repeat on the other side.


Thursday, 19 November 2015

Wall Straddle heart emoticon (Wall Yin)
Have you ever have one of those days where you didn't want to do anything ? You know you should practice some yoga, but your get up and go has got up and went? Where can you go for that support ? Well, your support may be as close as any wall! Put on some soothing music(,no need for shiny gold pants like mine) clear a space by your longest wall, grab a watch (preferably with a timer) and a cushion or blanket, and settle in.
You will need a bit of space for this one.. Start with your legs straight up the wall (or your variation of that) and then simply let gravity draw the legs apart, your feet sliding down the wall. Reach that position where the sensations are just right. When you want a little more, you can try resting your hands on your inner thighs. No need to pull though: allow your muscles to relax. Stay here for 3~5 or (10) minutes. When you are ready to come out, use your hands to push your legs together.
This pose relives fatigue in the legs and feet.
Soothes the nervous system,calms the mind,relieves back pain,headache,symptoms of arthritis,increases circulation and much more.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Cat Marjaryasana-Cow Bitilasana follow me on<3
There is a maturity and wisdom that comes with the changing of seasons.
As the days get shorter and darker it starts to be a real challenge to get out of bed in the mornings!
Let alone practice some yoga.
This is perfect for anytime in your day and any where..even in your office during your 
lunch break.
Come on all fours with your wrists underneath your shoulders and knees underneath your hips.
Spread your fingers and root down through your hands.
Keep your arms straight.
Lift the sides of your waistline.
Inhale drop your navel and draw your heart forward.
Creating a concavity in your spine as you tilt your pelvis upward and lift your head.
Exhale as you round your spine up towards the ceiling.
Reversing the curve.
4Repeat steps 2  and 3 for 5 to 10 breaths.

Physical Benefits:
Increases spinal flexibility ,Aids digestion ,Increases circulation.
Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome,tendonitis,and lower back injury

Mental Benefits:
Relieves mild depression and anxiety,Energizes the mind