Sunday, 10 March 2019

In a society that values 'doing', it is so important to remember the value of rest.
Todays mantra:
'I listen to the messages my mind, body and spirit give me and rest when i am feeling out of balance.'

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Experts on resilience believe we have the strength within us to manage our Circumstances.
Social Psycologist Dr Amy Cuddy presented during her celebrated Ted Talk(which has had more than 40 million views)that the following technique or 'expression'can shift the way your future unfolds when practiced repeatedly-
Raise your chin and throw your arms straight up in the air just as athletes do when they experience victory.
Breathe there a few full breaths until you feel uplifted.
Repeat this power pose till you feel a shift.
Try for a few weeks and let me know how you feel.
Here, we are enabling our minds to change our bodies ,and our bodies to change our minds for the better.