For those wanting to deepen their Practice and Knowledge,these are my weekly public classes:Monday 20h-21h Dynamic Flow (no beginners)Tuesday 10h-11h Yin Yoga Wed 19h30 Yin Yang
Thursday 9h15 Restorative Yoga
20h Vinyasa Flow (LAGym)
Sunday 10h Guided Meditation+Flow
11h30 Yin Yoga (Basic Fit)
For private classes please write to ''
'I stretch to new Limits from the Inner Power at the deep center of my Self.'My latest on Natural High Magazine
<3For seasoned practioners all yoga poses feel the same to us.
We will neither like them nor dislike them, just accept them calmly for what they are.
However, it's hard to ignore the visceral reaction that some poses illicit. Revolved triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana) has got to be one of yoga's least popular poses (im not joking).
Its combination of deep twisting, hamstring stretching, heart opening, and precarious balance push a lot of people's buttons including mine.Which is why i practice it a few times a week.Because its benefits are amazing.