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Yoga is balance.
Yoga is balance.
We are all seeking balance in our daily lives and our yoga practices.
As a yoga teacher i am allways seeking to find physical,mental,spiritual balance and harmony in my daily life.
All balancing poses provide an opportunty to experience the dynamic nature of balance.
As you learn to balance on one foot you are encouraged internally to listen,feel and react responsively to every moment as to not loose your balance.
I would encourage you to be brave and practice the above pose on days where you feel very overwhelmed and disconnected.
1-Stand in Tadasana /Mountain Pose (look at previous poses).
Balance on your left leg.Bend your right knee, hold your right foot and draw your knee out to the side.
Take your heel upwards in the direction of navel.
2-Roll your right foot and leg forward and down.
and place your foot at towards the left thigh crease.
Keep the top of your left thigh back.
If you have access to the flexibility bend forward at the waist and touch the floor.
Keep your toes spread and active.
Hold for 5/10 breaths and switch.
Physical benefits.Strengthens the arches,ankles,calves and thighs
Lengthens your spine.Improves balance.Improves digestion and circulation.
Mental Benefits:
Builds focus,develops will power,calms the mind .