Tuesday, 26 September 2017

My latest on @naturalhighmag.
Mudras set#1♡
A Mudra is a hand gesture, an asana (posture) for the hands.Throughout history, hand gestures have been used by all civizations and religions.From the priests and priestesses of ancient Egypt to Romans,Persians, Mayans, Gigians, Turks and many more.The word Mudra means 'seal', because a mudra creates an impression on the subtle body like a letter that is sealed with hot wax.Yoga mudras are symbolic gestures often practiced by the hands and fingers.
They facilitate the flow of energy in the subtle body and enhance one's journey within.
If you are new to Yoga the above can seem a bit confusing, as to which Mudra to use and what is the difference?Different areas of the hands are connected to specific areas in the body and the brain.
So when we place our hands in yoga mudras, we stimulate different areas of the brain and create a specific energy circuit in the body.By doing this we generate a specific state of mind.
The universe is made of 5 elements and each finger on our hands is representative of one of these five elements.
The thumb represents the universal consciousness and fire.
The index finger represents air and individual consciousness.
The middle finger represents connection.
The ring finger represents earth.
The little finger represents the element of water.
When these elements are not in balance we can experience disease in the body.
Mudras are a way of creating balance  within all these elements 
Dhyana Mudra/ Meditation Seal

  1. Sit down in a meditative pose such as the Sukha Asana (Easy Seated Pose).
  2. Ensure that your back is held straight and your chest and head held up high..
  3. Rest your hands on your knees with your palms facing upwards
  4. Bring your hands to Dhyana Mudra, by resting them, upturned, at your navel with the right hand on top.
  5. Bring the thumbs to touch together at the tips , hold throughout your meditation.
  6. Benefits:Aids concentration balances the right and left sides of the body,quiets the mind and assists in healing.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

It is Our birthright to be Happy and at Peace.
My purpose is to introduce my tools and personal techniques to help you live 
a more Conscious existence.
Restored back to balance and paving the way for our children and their future generations, so we can spare them our shadows by doing our healing work now.
Workshop and trainings info to be found on Facebook.com/liveinyoga.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Lets live our lives Fully.
With joy and genuine Heart and in humble Service.
Gain tools to change your Life and change our World..
Working on my winter workshops more info on
#seekers #explorers #authentictribe

Stay close to the Ones who feel like Sunshine <3
For workshops and latest  class updates please visit Facebook.com/liveinyoga.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

For those wanting to deepen their Practice and Knowledge,
these are my weekly public classes:
Monday 20h-21h Dynamic Flow (no beginners)
Tuesday 10h-11h Yin Yoga 
Wed 19h30 Yin Yang
Thursday 9h15 Restorative Yoga
20h Vinyasa Flow (LAGym)
Sunday 10h Guided Meditation+Flow
11h30 Yin Yoga (Basic Fit)
For private classes please write to 'mounirabazzi@live.be'

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

'I stretch to new Limits from the Inner Power at the deep center of my Self.'
My latest on Natural High Magazine 
For seasoned practioners all yoga poses feel the same to us. 
We will neither like them nor dislike them, just accept them calmly for what they are. 
However, it's hard to ignore the visceral reaction that some poses illicit. Revolved triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana) has got to be one of yoga's least popular poses (im not joking). 
Its combination of deep twisting, hamstring stretching, heart opening, and precarious balance push a lot of people's buttons including mine.Which is why i practice it a few times a week.Because its benefits are amazing.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

The Secret to Success is hard Work and Integrity.
And the reflection of a  on my sunglasses.
With Sofie De Niet xxx
The Only aspect that defines Us is what Lives in our Hearts.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Your Talent is just the hook the Universe uses to lead you to the bigger picture.
Service, Justice work , Love are all worthy paths that will lead there.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

'Allign my intentions with the Stars and all that lies within this Form.
Monitor my Heartbeat which Echos in Time with Earth.
Allow my breath to be the drum inside connencting me to the Sky.'

I often get asked the question 'What is your Dream?'
My Dream is to inspire you to land in your Life..to be good to You and to your Loved Ones.
To your neighbours, to your communities and societies.
To have these honest, clear hard conversations that allow Truth to lead.
I would love to inspire as many people as i can to practice, meditate and be clear together.
i can only wish through my work to uplift the frequency of all those i come in contact with . <3
Photo courtesy of Vincent Van Reusel xxx

Monday, 6 February 2017

Follow me on www.naturalhighmag.be!
Yoga is balance.
We are all seeking balance in our daily lives and our yoga practices.
As a yoga teacher i am allways seeking  to find physical,mental,spiritual balance and harmony in my daily life.
All balancing poses provide an opportunty to experience the dynamic nature of balance.
As you learn to balance on one foot you are encouraged  internally to listen,feel and react responsively to every moment as to not loose your balance.
I would encourage you to be brave and practice the above pose on days where you feel very overwhelmed and disconnected.
1-Stand in Tadasana /Mountain Pose (look at previous poses).
Balance on your left leg.Bend your right knee, hold your right foot and draw your knee out to the side.
Take your heel upwards in the direction of navel.
2-Roll your right foot and leg forward and down.
and place your foot at towards the left thigh crease.
Keep the top of your left thigh back.
If you have access to the flexibility bend forward at the waist and touch the floor.
Keep your toes spread and active.
Hold for 5/10 breaths and switch.
Physical benefits.Strengthens the arches,ankles,calves and thighs
Lengthens your spine.Improves balance.Improves digestion and circulation.
Mental Benefits:
Builds focus,develops will power,calms the mind .

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Often when you think you are at the End of Something..
you are at the Beginning of Something else.
Surrender your Path to the hands of the Universe.
Give over your goals, desires, resolutions.
As you let go you start to recieve Guidance.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.