Kneeling Pose Bhujrasana
Kneeling is either very easy or completely impossible.
If you are flexible and dont have any knee issues, there is nothing to it can sit back on your heels anytime.
If you are tighter or have mild knee or ankle problems ,kneeling is literally impossible, because it hurts too much.
Almost allways,pain in the knees is a sign that something is going wrong , and must be avoided.
However , correctly kneeling is one of the best things you can to help bad knees and ankles, you just have to know what you are doing.
Kneel on the floor.
Bring your legs and feet close together.
Keep your lower legs engaged by pressing the tops of your toes into the floor.
Reest your hands on your thighs.
Lengthen through the sides of your body and bring your shoulder blades onto your back to open your chest.