Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Ustrasana/Camel Pose
Camel Pose and backbends like it can be physically challenging and benefitial.
Emotionally they can create a sense of vulnerability we usually shy away from.
Ustrasana, is just like a Camel journeying through the Sahara- it requires stamina, endurance and a commitment to inner awarness.
While the pose is a journey, when you do arrive to your unique location after crossing the Sahara,
it is  totally worth it emotionally , mentally and physically .

Kneel on the floor with your thighs parallel and rest your palms on your hips.
Point your feet back and press toenails into floor.
Inhale and take your thighs backwards.
On the next exhalation, scoop your tailbone to lengthen your lower back.
 Inhale and extend from your pelvis through your head.
Exhale and reach back to place your right hand on your right heel,.Repeat with yourleft hand.
Rooting the tailbone down,bring your pelvis forward
Keep your neck elongated.
Slide your hands down the soles of your feet.
Remain in this position for a few breaths
Exhale, powerfuly root down through your shins into the floor,
and lift from behind your heart.
Keep your head back as you come up.
Rest by sitting on your heals.