Friday, 29 July 2016

Simhasana  Lion Pose
'Whenever i feel blue ..i start Breathing again.'

We use our voices to communicate.
We can whisper, speak, sing or scream and shade our expressions with many nuances.
When we are nervous, scared, happy or sad, others hear it in our voice.
Our voices reflect not only our state of mind but the state of our nervous system.
Whenever i feel uncomfortable tension in my throat i practice Simhasana.
It frees my voice as it releases constrictions from the throat area.
And my entire body reminding me that the tension in my voice is a manifestation of deep seated emotions.
By cultivating  the essence of a leaping roaring lion i give shape to unexpressed emotions and release them.
Try Simhasana  when you are feeling anxious or angry ..or when you havent expressed yourself the way you wanted.
Youll find yourself happier, more grounded and even lighter both  emotionally and physically.
Kneel on the floor.
Point your toes and sit back on your heels.
Keep your face ,jaw and eyes relaxed.Rest your hands on your thighs
Lean your torso forward and place your fingertips on the floor.
Bring your gaze to the point between the eyebrows.Open your mouth wide and stretch your tongue out as far as possible 
Inhale deeply.On your next exhalation let out an audible and long sigh.
Stretch your arms out straight and stiffen your fingers.
Repeat for 3 times than relax.