Tuesday, 29 March 2016

My latest on Natural High Magazine <3heart emoticon
Virabhadrasana I 
I face forward to meet Life exactly as it is with an open heart.
With courage and fortitude..sensing the power of the courageous Hero within.
Virabhadrasana is a standing pose that demands focus and determination to meet its challenges.
It asks you to do several actions at once that seem to pull you in opposite directions.
You must lift up while grounding down and press forward while reaching backward.
This pose helps you tap into your own inner power as you face your challenges.

‪#‎inspirationforchange‬ ‪#‎iwontcompromise‬ ‪#‎naturalhighmag‬ ‪#‎warrior1‬
‪#‎youbeyou‬ ‪#‎iwritemystory‬ ‪#‎yogalove‬ ‪#‎underarmour‬ ‪#‎elle‬ ‪#‎yogarebels‬‪#‎yogaland‬

Monday, 21 March 2016

Vriksasana on ELLE.Belgie <3
Vriksasana (Tree Pose) has been identified in Indian relics dating back to the seventh century.
In ancient times wandering holy men called Sadhus would meditate in this posture for long periods of time as a practice of self discipline.
Learning to balance for most of us has more to do with our mental state than our physical abilities.
If you are stressed or if your mind is scattered your body will most likely be unsteady.
Amongst its many benefits Tree pose makes us strong and enhances our willpower.
This pose lengthens the spine,improves balance, opens the shoulders,chest,thighs and hips and calms the mind.
#inspirationforchange #vriksasana #balance #elle.be #yogalove #shinefully
#nofearsorlimitations #beyou #bereal #yogarebels #yogaland #naturalhigh
Sponsored by Under Armour!

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

There must be a method to turn Freedom on and Off.
But where do we go from here?
To waste a motion in a curve.
To glide down the city as if it was a cascade.
To chew the edges of your words.
To fall into the sound of water.
So that the ideas of thoughts would be framed into museums
and memorial sites.
Half pages torn out ..like the shadows of birds in a mile of snow.
But where do we go from here?
The Mukha Museum Project ,March 27 2014
The Pink Spy Exhibition

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Tight hips affect everything from your ability to pick something off the floor to getting into a specific yoga pose. When our hips are tight they cause an overuse of the spine.
Opening the hips can improve our range of motion ,our circulation,decrease back pain and most importantly create an energetic release.
Yogic tradition holds the hips as a storage ground for negative emotions.
As the hips start to open there is greater freedom in the body and in our expressions creatively,physically,sexually and spiritually.
Stand at the top of your mat in mountain pose Tadasana with the inner edges of your feet touching.
Bring your arms parallel to the floor to help with balance.
With your feet close together ,heels lifted or flat ..exhale and squat down keeping your hips off the floor.
Widen your knees apart and lean forward between them .
Bringing hands into prayer. Stay there for a few breaths then release.
This pose is also helps relieve stress,mild depression and anxiety.
It is contraindicated for those with ankle and knee injury and those with high blood pressure.