The traditions of Valentines Day date back to ancient Roman times.
Saint Valentine's Day is the day of Fertility and Love.
It is a day to celebrate love and devotion with your partners,friends and family.
Just as you can practice Heart opening in your thoughts and emotions,you can experience
opening the heart space in your physical body too!
The opening of the heart can be experienced by everyone.
That is why i chose the this wonderfull yet gentle and supported backbend
1-Lie on your back.
2-Bend your knees and place your feet parallel to eachother ,hip width apart.
3-Inhale press your feet into the floor and lift your hips.
Lengthen your tailbone and extend from your pelvis through your knees.
Clasp your hands together under your back and roll both right and left shoulders
underneath one at a time.Hold for a few breath and release.
4-(Variation) inhale as you Press your feet into the floor ,lift your hips higher..shift your body weight
slightly as you bring both hands to cradle your back ribs.
Hold for a few breaths then release.