Wednesday, 23 September 2015

I know that waking up from a hangover can rank up there with having a tooth ache
or a stomach flu!
It can seriously be un-pleasant.
In addition to rehydrating with water and maybe some fresh juices,engaging in some yoga
poses can hasten your recovery.
Releasing toxins,improving circulation and aiding in digestion.
i would recommend the following pose for its many benefits.
Follow me on for your monthly Yoga tip !

Viparita Karani : Reverse Process

Physical Benefits
Increases circulation
Soothes the nervous system
Relieves fatigue in legs and feet
Relieves mild headache,backache and insomnia
Massages the kidneys,diaphragm and adrenal glands
Reverses the position of the internal organs ,regulating their function
Brings prana (life force energy) to the entire body


Contraindicated for those with wrist,shoulder or neck pain.
For those with low back injury.
Contraindicated for those with high blood pressure,hiatal hernia and heart disease.

1-Sit on a bolster or a few folded blankets with your left hip against the wall.
Keeping both knees bent.
2-Reach your hands behind your body and lean your torso backward.
3.Finding a way to swivel your hips and bring your feet up the wall.
Keep your buttocks close to the wall and lie down on your back.
rest with your arms out to the side,palms facing upward.
Close your eyes and relax in the pose.
Breathing softly and evenly.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

'The quest for Love changes us,
There is no seeker among those who search for Love,
who has not matured on the way .
The moment you start looking for Love ;;you start to change within and without.'

The Forty Rules of Love